Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Time flies~~~~

Starting nx week is my final exam for my final semster.. at tis moment, i haven prepare myself for d exam.. i stil thought tad i have around two weeks time to do my revision, bt whn my fren told me tad exams is starting nx week, i then realise tad i don have much more time to do my revision... omg!! reli very fast...

Time flies really very fast!! In d twinkling of an eye, i will finish my diploma in august... after tad will have my training for 4 months... stil can recall of my chilhood time which it is far past behind... haiz~~ don noe what will happen after my training.. if have chances, mb will further my studies, but nw stil don noe... jz can live my life to the fullest at d moment..

Now i jz nd to concentrate in my revision for my last semester.. although it is oni 3 papers but all tis 3 papers reli have lots of notes to revise especially marketing.. worry of marketing subject coz 1st and 2nd test is nt tad gud n it will influence my final exam.. arghhhhh~~~~

Will be oways stay in home n do my revision, feel boring... but wat to do, it is for my own gud in d future... wish me all d best n do hope tad i can finish my revision on time~~ Jia You Kendy

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Unlucky Day

Tis week i had a unlucky days~~~ started to fall sick, flu, headache, uncomfortable feelings and so on... all cum in together and i reli cant stand of d headache, it reli hurts me seriously....
As tis week i nd to finish my last assignment, quiz n prepare for d final exams, but d illness jz cum in like tis n hav no warning!!! haiz.....
Cant reli concentrate on any of my works due to d illness, it makes me feel tired easily and oso make me cant tink of anythg... hate tis kind of feelings....
Tis morning i accidentally knocked my head towards d organ agn.. arghhhhhhh!!! my illness haven better and nw had my head knocked agn... haiz~~~~ besides, i oso hurt my arm.... wat a bad day!!!!
Reli hope tad my bad days will go away soon n i had a better body to continue my works... pray to GOD n may GOD bless me always...
Now i nd to continue to study for my quiz which is on d afternoon n hope tad everythg wil go in mind.. finger cross for tad to happen~~
Gambate kendy, u can do it!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Fine and fresh days~~

Today i woke up early in the morning coz of tinking continuing my assignment... D air is very fresh and fine in d early morning... so long din reli feel this kind of air anymore after since i finish my form 5... D assignment will b due on 2mr, so i jz sacrifice my sleeping time in order to finish my assignment n i nd to give it to my partner to print it out due to my printer cartridge got problem... The lecturer of this subject is quite strict and she nd us to hand in our assignment on her lecture period, after tad period she will not receive any assignments anymore, so i nd to rush d assignments as the lecture period is on 2mr morning 10-12pm... argghhhhhhh~~~ reli very little of time and lots of things to do...
Quite a long time i din reli update my blog due to on previous time, my modem had been hit by the thunder n it hurts very seriously tad it need to be away from home... hahaha.. so i jz stay in home without wireless... quite boring days without wireless... i m tinking tad i might nt be able to live without wireless... hehehe..
Nothing special happens on today and i tink i nd to go bek to my assignment and twist my brain to work it out... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~ cant reli think of something... hate this moment, finger cross tad i can be able to finish my assignment n hope tad it will looks professional as i nd to do a proposal.. kind of feel like working in d office, need to prepare proposal for a company...
Ok, tads all for d moment, bek to assignment... will update again... sorry for nt updating my blog for quite a long time.. haha
Bye and have nice days~~ :)